
Thursday, August 6, 2009

Syeikh Ibrahim al-Batawi 1924-2009

Beliau ialah Syeikh Tariqat Syaziliyyah Batawiyyah, Mesir. Namun beliau bukanlah seorang alim yang masyhur. Dan kemasyhuran pun bukanlah syarat sebagai tanda kehebatan seseorang. Meskipun beliau tinggal di Mesir, tetapi tiada sebarang maklumat berkaitan dengannya di internet dalam bahasa Arab. Yang peliknya ada dalam bahasa Inggeris, dalam laman sesawang muridnya di Amerika, Syeikh Abdullah Nooruddeen Durkee (khalifah in the Western Hemisphere of Shaykh Ibrahim Muhammad al-Battawi). (klik sini)

Syeikh Ibrahim adalah bekas pensyarah Falsafah Islam di Universiti al-Azhar selama 25 tahun. Setelah bersara beliau meneruskan aktiviti mengajar dan mengendalikan zawiyah tariqatnya di Syari' al-Azhar, Kaherah sehinggalah beliau wafat.

Salah seorang muridnya, Ibrahim Hakim Al-Shaghouri menulis: "...this 14th day of the holy month of Rajab [1430H], our grandshaykh passed away into the Mercy and Pleasure of Allah Most High and His Loving Care, due to liver complications in the hospital... inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un! If a number of you have not heard of him, it is because he chose to live a life based on the principle of hiding and erasing yourself to instead show a reflection of Allah's Attributes, and indeed anyone who came into contact with the gentle tranquility and effacing humility of his being knew that he was one of those that Allah chose to guard under His veils of jealousy. His entire life - from when he was conscious of his surroundings until his passing away at an age exceeding 80 years - was truly spent entirely for Allah. He was a man of gentle compassion, of piercing knowledge, of impeccable character, of deep contemplation, of generous hands to the point of being brave with his generosity, of genuine care and concern for those under his training and for the Muslims in general, fierce against falsehood and unbridled lust for the Dunya, preferring the simple and elegant over the extravagant and vulgar, and one who was fully pleased and content with Allah being Allah...".

رحمه الله تعالى

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